Image of a vintage typewriter with overlaid text

PhD Supervision

Image of a vintage typewriter with overlaid text

PhD Supervision

ICVWW supports PhD research across the long 19th century. See below for a range of current and successful PhD theses supervised by the Centre.

Supervised PhDs

  • The Mission of Mary Eliza Haweis (1848-1898)
  • The ‘Strange’ Disappearance of Henrietta Stannard: Rediscovering the Life and Work of John Strange Winter, a fin de siecle celebrity
  • The Persistent Scribblers Society: an 1870s writing society 
  • Type Writers and the Text 1890-1940
  • The Neglected Literature of the Victorian Vivisection Controversy 1876-1913
  • "Daring and heroic deeds”: Representing the British Missionary Woman in Biographies from 1895-1916
  • (Con)textual identities: British Women’s Autobiographical Accounts of Travel, India and the 1857 Mutiny
  • Undressing Readerly Anxieties: A Study of Clothing and Accessories in Short Crime Fiction 1841-1911  
  • "Not simply a literary editor": reassessing Rose Weigall as a Writer of Women’s Stories and an Advocate for Women’s Agency 

Study with us

If you are interested in studying for a PhD that you think might fall within our areas of research interest then please do get in touch.
Areas of interest include New Woman literature, Victorian afterlives, History of Reading and the Book, Life Writing, and female gothic.